My first of many days at a rehabilitation center for psychosomatic recovery.
A few challenges and some beautiful highlights...
Up early (thanks to Bella my kitty cat, I love you!). Left the house before I would normally be out of bed.
Found where to park my bike, found the administrator and got admitted. Over to the nurse and answered a lot of health questions, got my room. Unpacked, had lunch (AAAAARGH! So loud and overwhelming, more on that later). Had a meeting with the doctor about my physical health, had a shower, a rest, went outside.
Took a deeeeeeep breath! Aaaaah! Outside, this is where I can ground myself and recover from sensory overload.
A few highlights
I had an absolutely delicious coffee and cake in the in-house café and sat outside on their patio. Such a warm and still day, I only needed a T-shirt.
Loud voices and other people’s stories however made me want to leave quickly.
I went for a beautiful cycle in the woods around the grounds of the center. Gorgeous! The beautiful trees, the silence of the woods, no wind today, just a few birds. The sun shining through the still very green leaves, the soft and rooted ground. I LOVE IT.
Back at the center, I parked my bike then walked to the “lounging lawn” or garden. It was so peaceful, despite the distant traffic. Trees everywhere, a lovely old building and hardly any people. I could relax and enjoy. Like floating on a lake….
A challenging bit
Then, the hard part. Evening meal. OMG! Sensory overload! Voices, people moving everywhere, trays, plates, knifes, forks (no spoons to bend!), tea bags, cups, salads, breads, rolls, vegan spreads, cheese, meats, where is the butter? No idea. Someone looked at me and asked what I was looking for, I could not answer, my brain was still trying to make sense of huge puzzle! Crumbling under time and performance pressures! Boom! Boom! Bam! Ugh!
Just get out!
I almost sat down at a table indoors for the second time today and remembered to go outside. What a difference that makes! OMG. Inside I feel so bombarded with noise and smells and people and visuals. But outside….utter peace. I really enjoyed tasting my food - I like to spontaneously make loud food-enjoyment noises when I eat and the home-made humous and herby quark were DELISH! They deserved an “Hmmmmm!” or two.
Eating outside I remember to take my time, sit back and breathe in between mouthfuls. After dinner I make myself a cup of tea (watching others trying to figure out where they were getting tea bags from and eventually finding them). I sit outside once again, holding my hands around my hot cup, enjoying this cozy feeling. I hear a crow crowing at the top of a tall tower and I spend some time imaging I am flying up to that crow to have a wee chat with him. When I come back down to Earth I open my eyes and realise I am smiling. This is what I need all this quiet for!
My first meeting with others
After a little recovery break I join a group of newbies for a tour through the house from a friendly and helpful woman named Astrid who speaks German with a Dutch accent. It is lovely to listen to her, it reminds me of a good friend and some great times in Holland. With Abby Wombach’s words in my ear: “Nobody’s accent is cute!” I remember not to say this out loud as I also remember how annoying it can be when people say it to me. Lol!
Back in my room by 8pm, writing. I feel like I am reconnecting with myself. Just putting my laptop on helped! I hope the Wifi is good enough to go ahead with my weekly meeting with my Mind-Body-Medicine Gals to have a catchup and a bit of shaking and dancing….
Just another day...
Breakfast is at 7 a.m. tomorrow … I wonder how that will go …?
(For people who don’t know me, I find it physically (not to mention mentally!) challenging to be awake at this time, let alone see other people, make food decisions and eat.)
P.S. I just heard an owl hooting, how special!