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More about me and my coaching
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I was burned out, constantly exhausted, tired, angry, sad, frustrated, I hated my job and I could not stop crying. That was 2021. 

Since then I have turned my life around completely, having been forced to question the life I was living and why it had become so painful. 


Burnout Revolution is my holistic coaching practice that focuses on helping people find their way back to themselves: Their self-love, intuition and serenity. Through a combination of mind-body medicine, spirituality and manifestation techniques, I am here to help you reconnect with your intuition, your true nature and build a life you deserve!

Kathy Flatley Life Coach

I went from Burnout to finding my authentic self, my purpose and much joy in less than two years, soaking up new skills and insights like a sponge. I was curious to know what else was out there and how I could live a life on my own terms. I experienced my own little Burnout Revolution and I want to share that with you. 


Now I use my expertise and experience with authenticity, alignment, self-love and serenity to coach, inspire and support others to find their way to their own revolution (without the burnout).

Cherry blossoms

My Inspiration

Martha Beck:

"Know what you really know,

feel what you really feel,

say what you really mean and

do what you really want."

Lara Riggio:

"I need to do the things I love
to be the person I love to be." 

Background and Expertise


Self Love course and Mindful Spoon Bending workshops

Eight-week long Self Love group course including Mind-Body Medicine skills (in German with fellow Coach Wibke Regenberg). 

Mindful Spoon Bending Workshops in English and German.


Coaching Experience and Inspiration

Coaching Certificate in Holistic Life Design. Training with Annette Böhmer in the HOLISTIC WARRIOR Method.  
How to create the life you want, bringing mind-body and soul in alignment. 

Professional Training and Advanced Training at the Center of Mind-Body Medicine. Finding my authenticity, kick-starting my healing journey and learning facilitating and coaching skills. 
Further coaching experience:

Ruth Bleakley-Thiessen - A Voice for Your Vision

Lara Riggio - Emotional Mastery

Martha Beck - Wild New Ways

Annette Böhmer - Quantum Life Foundation, Holistic Life Design.

Dr. Valerie Rein - The Thriving Solution


Germany and Corporate Job

Moving to Germany from the UK in 2000, I finished a Scottish and German degree in Business. 2003 I started working in a middle sized company in Germany in the finance department. 2021 I had a huge mental breakdown and left that job and that life.

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